Yo Bro | Yo Girl 2016 Spring Update

Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative started as a youth outreach program in 2009 with its sole program facilitator and founder, Joe Calendino. Over the past 7 years, Yo Bro Yo Girl has gone from strength to strength and has achieved significant milestones in program development & delivery, youth engagement, and social impact. 

Today, Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative is recognized by principals, teachers, counsellors, law enforcement, and our youth as an essential, high-value program.  We currently serve over 400 at-risk youth in 16 schools in three school districts, Vancouver, Surrey and Chilliwack.
As the 2015-2016 School Year comes to a close, we are extremely pleased to share our Spring Update which provides (1) highlights and achievements for the 2015-2016 School Year, (2) how we plan to build on our success in the coming year, and (3) an invitation to make a donation to support our summer program and essential growth for the future.