The School of ‘hard knocks’ in Chilliwack

Kids don’t grow up covered in bubble wrap. They witness violence, sometimes experiencing it firsthand at a very young age. They are exposed to alcohol consumption, offered deadly drugs, targeted for sexual advances, and even coerced into gang activity. And it does seem to be happening more and more. But there are people out there trying to intervene in these young people’s lives before they run off the rails. People like Joe Calendino, who has been running his Yo Bro Yo Girl group in select Chilliwack schools for three years now. For more information, visit Spectrum School, 2530 East 43rd Avenue OPEN TO MEDIA – Visit of the Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Program PHOTO OP – At the beginning of the discussion only MEDIA CONTACT: Joe Calendino, Executive Director, Yo Bro Yo Girl, 778-828-2799,