Yo Bro | Yo Girl Youth Initiative

Permission Form - Jarvis


Your child has been invited to attend a program offered by Yo Bro | Yo Girl Youth Initiative (YBYG) at:

District School Dates Time Contact (School) YBYG
Delta Jarvis Wednesdays 3-5 PM Ken Levenstein – School Principal klevenstein@deltaschools.ca 
Amy Bains (Manager, Safer Schools) at 604 910 2208
Joe & Brenda Calendino (YBYG Directors) at 778 828 2799

Your child has been invited to attend an afterschool program offered by Yo Bro | Yo Girl Youth Initiative
(YBYG) in partnership with the Delta School District. This is an extra-curricular program for youth, and is offered to youth at no cost.

Participation in the YBYG program in Delta Schools is an exciting opportunity to connect with peers,
participate in physical activities, engage in confidence building activities, and develop leadership skills. YBYG provides pro-social recreational programming to enable children to reduce risk-taking behaviors, develop personal competencies, and strengthen their commitment to education and community. Additionally, the program offers mentorship and role modeling opportunities.

Space is limited and registration will be accepted on a first come first serve opportunity. A waitlist will be maintained.

YBYG Staff will supervise and run the program, in partnership with the Delta School District and will be following BC Ministry of Health and Delta School District guidelines.
Snacks will be provided. Please indicate food restrictions on the consent form.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Bains (Manager – Safer Schools) at (604) 910-2208 or
abains@deltaschools.ca .