Additional Agreements
I, the PARENT/GUARDIAN (s) give my permission for my child to consume drink and food items provided during the YBYG Program.
I, the PARENT/GUARDIAN (s) agree that my child must follow the Public Health Officer guidelines and requirements some of which include practicing routine handwashing, cough and sneeze etiquette and maintaining social (physical) distance.
I, the PARENT/GUARDIAN (s) will ensure that my child does not meet in-person with the YBYG Mentor if my child is ill including, but not limited to, symptoms associated with any respirator disease (e.g., the common cold, allergies or COVID-19).
I, the PARENT/GUARDIAN (s) will provide contact information and will be available to pick up my child during my child’s in-person’s session with a YBYG Mentor in the event that my child becomes ill during this in-person session.
I, the PARENT/GUARDIAN agree that I or my designate (authorized pick-up person) will pick my child up after the program or provide written consent that my child may go home by his/her/their self.
I, the PARENT/GUARDIAN am aware that I can and should contact Amy Bains (Manager – Safer Schools) at (604) 910-2208 or regarding any questions about the program.