Foundations for Leadership

Foundations for Leadership builds confidence and empowers youth to take on leadership roles within Yo Bro Yo | Girl Youth Initiative, within their schools, and within their communities.


Covering everything from personal vision and values, mindfulness, communication and resiliency, the introductory course for Foundations for Leadership runs once a week for a month. During the four-hour sessions, students participate in workshops, job shadowing and engage with community agencies and leaders to ready themselves to be leaders in their own worlds.

Over the following two years, we work with participants to place and support them in ongoing work experience and provide valuable training opportunities including Mental Health First Aid, Non-violent Communication, National Coaching Certification and more. 


This program is also the key prerequisite for any YBYG youth that are interested in working for us as Youth Leaders, Program Assistants, or Program facilitators.

“YBYG has evolved from a presentation on drug and gang prevention to an educational, active, mentoring experience. I have watched many troubled youth from our school and community become young, confident men and women, who are now mentoring their peers, taking on leadership roles, and thriving toward their preferred futures.
— Janice Smith, Principal at South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre

You can keep our communities’ most vulnerable youth off the streets, out of gangs and connected to their friends, families and schools.

Join us and turn risk into resilience today.