By signing the consent, the student/parent/guardian agrees to all the policies stated in the Terms and Conditions.
By signing the consent, I agree to all the policies stated in the permission package:
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If participant is under the age of 19
Yo Bro | Yo Girl Youth Initiative (YBYG) may wish to promote positive interactions, accomplishments, or achievements on its media, including without limitation, the YBYG website, emails, social media, and printed or digital promotional materials(“Media”). In addition, YBYG may receive requests from the news media to interview, photograph or videotape individuals or groups of youth in connection with
stories the media are working on. As a non-profit, with a focus on positive life choices, YBYG attempts to share an optimistic message. However, your right and your child’s right to privacy is our main priority, and we want to ensure that we respect your privacy.
Volunteer Name
Date of Birth
Financial Institution
Bank Transit Number
Bank Account Number
Please provide a copy of a void cheque if you have one.